Top 5 Clients to Discuss LTCI With

Katie Camann

Disclaimer: Since Medicaid rules and insurance regulations are updated regularly, past blog posts may not present the most accurate or relevant data. Please contact our office for up-to-date information, strategies, and guidance.

This Financial Literacy Month, we’re exploring the financial impact of long-term care and the importance of helping clients plan for a care need. So far, we’ve discussed the harsh realities of long-term care and walked through the basics of Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCI). Now, let’s examine the top five types of clients you should be discussing LTCI with.

Read More: The Basics of Long-Term Care Insurance

Who to Have the Long-Term Care Insurance Conversation With

Since applicants must meet certain health criteria to qualify for a policy, the best clients to discuss Long-Term Care Insurance with are healthy adults who are planning for retirement and looking to solidify their future finances. Although they might not be concerned about long-term care costs, it presents a great opportunity for you to bring up the realities of long-term care and start the LTCI conversation.

More specifically, there are five key groups of people who you should definitely be discussing LTCI with. Some people may fall into multiple categories, and some people outside of these categories may also benefit from Long-Term Care Insurance. The moral of the story? Don’t be afraid to have the Long-Term Care Insurance conversation with any of your clients.

1. Parents

Most parents don’t want to burden their children with the task of caretaking. Many of them also want to avoid depleting their entire life savings on care costs, so they can protect their legacy and guarantee an inheritance for their children.

2. No Children

On the flip side, many individuals without children may also be interested in LTCI. Their informal support system, which typically includes children and grandchildren, is typically limited. Additionally, they don’t want to outlive their assets.

3. Married Couples

For married couples, purchasing an LTCI policy helps ensure they have enough financial resources available for the healthy spouse in the event one spouse requires care. It also alleviates the caregiving burden, which would probably fall on their spouse.

4. Single People

Like individuals with no children, single people are more likely to have limited support for informal caregiving. For many single people, having an LTCI policy is their only way to receive care from the comfort of their home.

5. Women

Women have a longer life expectancy and account for two-thirds of all LTCI claims. They are also more likely to be a caregiver for someone else, which means they may be looking to plan ahead for their own future care needs.

In the end, it’s important to bring up Long-Term Care Insurance with any of your clients who are preparing their future finances, especially if they are concerned about high long-term care costs. As you have the LTCI conversation, The Krause Agency is here to support you. Contact our office with any questions about LTCI or designing a policy for your clients.

Katie Camann
By Katie Camann | Senior Content Specialist

As Senior Content Specialist, Katie drafts and edits content across multiple platforms, including blogs, guides, emails, videos, website pages, and more. She conducts research and gathers up-to-date information to keep our clients well-informed.