Medicare Advantage Plans

Medicare Advantage Plans, also known as Part C or MA plans, are insurance plans provided by a Medicare-approved private company that offer an alternative for Medicare Part A and Part B coverage, and many also include drug coverage (Part D). These plans must follow specific rules set by Medicare, are required to be as good or better than Original Medicare, and have limits on out-of-pocket costs.

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Medicare Advantage Plan Highlights

  • Each plan is a one-year contract
  • Benefits can be changed each year
  • No underwriting required and plans are guaranteed acceptance
  • Plans can typically only be changed during the annual enrollment period

Medicare Advantage Plans on the Rise

Medicare Advantage Plans are gaining traction among Medicare beneficiaries, with a recent study showing that 51% of beneficiaries are now enrolled.* The growing popularity is largely due to the flexibility and additional benefits these plans offer, such as vision, fitness, telehealth, hearing, and dental services. These enhanced features provide a more comprehensive healthcare solution, helping beneficiaries take a more thorough approach to their healthcare needs beyond traditional Medicare coverage.

*Kaiser Family Foundation

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